This pocket-sized booklet features common bees of the eastern United States and their look-alikes, so you can quickly and easily identify them.
Designed for ease of use, the booklet is organized by group for quick identification. Choose your group and view just a few bees at a time. The professional photographs showcase 160 species—including bee look-alikes, such as beetles, hoverflies, and wasps. The guide is written by biologist, pollinator conservationist, and award-winning author Heather Holm. It features species found in the eastern US from the Atlantic Ocean west to the 100th meridian, a line that runs from eastern North Dakota down to eastern Texas.
- Pocket-sized format—easier than laminated foldouts
- Professional--photos showing key markings
- Easy-to-use-- information for even casual observers
- The author’s “Top 10 Things You Can Do for Bees”
Spiral-bound paperback.